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영어 마스터2179

You might have ~ 너는 ~ 이었을지도 몰라 You might have been busy You might have told me You might have heard the news You might have been right You might have already known 참고서적 : 해커스톡 영어회화 10분의 기적 : 패턴으로 말하기 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/61830117) 2021. 4. 11.
May I help you ~ 제가 ~을 도와 드릴까요? May I help you with that? May I help you find something? May I help you with something else? May I help you with your order? May I help you with anything? 참고서적 : 해커스톡 영어회화 10분의 기적 : 패턴으로 말하기 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/61830117) 2021. 4. 10.
I could have been ~ 나는 ~ 일수도 있었어 I could have been hurt I could have been in troble I could have been killed I could have been a doctor I could have been with you 참고서적 : 해커스톡 영어회화 10분의 기적 : 패턴으로 말하기 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/61830117) 2021. 4. 9.
I could tell ~ 나는 ~을 알수 있었어 I could tell the difference I could tell it was over I could tell you were different I could tell you were happy I could tell I was right 참고서적 : 해커스톡 영어회화 10분의 기적 : 패턴으로 말하기 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/61830117) 2021. 4. 8.
I can't afford to ~ ~할 여유가 없어 I can't afford to do that I can't afford to eat I can't afford to care I can't afford to buy a house I can't afford to get sick 참고서적 : 해커스톡 영어회화 10분의 기적 : 패턴으로 말하기 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/61830117) 2021. 4. 7.