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영어 마스터2179

It seems like ~ ~인듯해 It seems like a problem It seems like a lot of work It seems like a great deal It seems like a waste of money It seems like a good plan 참고서적 : 해커스톡 영어회화 10분의 기적 : 패턴으로 말하기 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/61830117) 2021. 4. 21.
I feel like ~ ~ 인 것 같은 기분이야 I feel like a boss I feel like a teenager I feel like I can trust you I feel like I'm wrong I feel like I'm at home 참고서적 : 해커스톡 영어회화 10분의 기적 : 패턴으로 말하기 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/61830117) 2021. 4. 20.
I must admit ~ 나는 ~을 인정해야겠어 I must admit I like it I must admit I fell in love I must admit I was wrong I must admit I was surprised I must admit it was good 참고서적 : 해커스톡 영어회화 10분의 기적 : 패턴으로 말하기 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/61830117) 2021. 4. 19.
I must say ~ 나는 ~라고 꼭 말해야겠어 I must say it was amazing I must say I'm sorry I must say I love you I must say thank you I must say goodbye 참고서적 : 해커스톡 영어회화 10분의 기적 : 패턴으로 말하기 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/61830117) 2021. 4. 18.
You should have seen ~ 너는 ~을 봤어야 했어 You should have seen the movie You should have seen the crowd You should have seen it You should have seen what happened You should have seen him before 참고서적 : 해커스톡 영어회화 10분의 기적 : 패턴으로 말하기 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/61830117) 2021. 4. 17.