728x90 영어 마스터/영문법2 문장의 형식 2탄 3형식 : S+V+O (주어+동사+목적어) They want a smaller cell phone Today, I bought a new watch Many people lost their jobs I know her parents very well They discussed the problem Mr. Brown married my cousin Tom answered serveral questions Angry customers contacted the customer service center I joined the gym to lose weight 참고서적 : 강성태 영문법 필수편 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/67350410) 2020. 10. 11. 문장의 형식 1탄 1형식 : S+V (주어 + 동사) We walked The sun shines She didn't appear Many fans gathered 2형식 : S+V+C (주어+동사+보어) I am a student He's busy now The elevator is out of order The prize for the winner is a trip to Boston The situation got worse I stayed awake all night Painting became my great love She looks angry I feel exhausted lately 참고서적 : 강성태 영문법 필수편 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/67350410) 2020. 10. 10. 이전 1 다음 728x90