분류 전체보기2958 I'd like to 동사원형 : 저 ~하고 싶어요 I'd like to see some that ara avaiable while I'm here I'd like to get some rest. I'd like to take a trip to Maldives. I'd like to eat Korean food. I'd like to sit over there. I'd like to park my car near the airport for a week I'd like to see you try harder 참고 서적 : 영어회화의 결정적 패턴 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/74400061?scode=032&OzSrank=1) 2020. 5. 25. On our last meeting, we... : 지난 회의에서 우린 ~ On our last meeting, we... 지난 회의에서 우린 ~ On our last meeting, we heard your ideas Welcome back, everyone. On our last meeting, we finalized the payment terms Today, we should focus on ohter issues, such as the number of staff and the development period. 2020. 5. 25. 파이썬으로 랜덤 포레스트 분석 https://partrita.github.io/posts/random-forest-python/ 파이썬으로 랜덤 포레스트 분석 파이썬으로 랜덤 포레스트 분석하기 partrita.github.io 2020. 5. 24. LINEAR REGRESSION IN PYTHON USING SCIKIT-LEARN https://benalexkeen.com/linear-regression-in-python-using-scikit-learn/ Linear Regression in Python using scikit-learn – Ben Alex Keen Note that, because we’ve not done any feature scaling or dimensionality reduction, we can’t say anything about the relative importance of each of our features given these coefficients because the features are not of the same scale. benalexkeen.com 2020. 5. 24. A simple regression analysis on the Boston housing data https://scipy-lectures.org/packages/scikit-learn/auto_examples/plot_boston_prediction.html A simple regression analysis on the Boston housing data — Scipy lecture notes Note Click here to download the full example code A simple regression analysis on the Boston housing data Here we perform a simple regression analysis on the Boston housing data, exploring two types of regre.. 2020. 5. 24. 이전 1 ··· 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 ··· 592 다음 728x90