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MySQL 데이터베이스 용량 확인 https://zetawiki.com/wiki/MySQL_%EB%8D%B0%EC%9D%B4%ED%84%B0%EB%B2%A0%EC%9D%B4%EC%8A%A4_%EC%9A%A9%EB%9F%89_%ED%99%95%EC%9D%B8 MySQL 데이터베이스 용량 확인 - 제타위키 다음 문자열 포함... zetawiki.com 2020. 6. 7.
16진수 헥사, 2진수, 10진수, 8진법 변환 계산기; Hex Calc http://mwultong.blogspot.com/2008/02/16-2-10-8-hex-calc.html 16진수 헥사, 2진수, 10진수, 8진법 변환 계산기; Hex Calc 숫자 진법 변환기입니다. 아래의 색깔 있는 입력 칸들 중의 아무 칸에나 해당되는 진법의 정수 숫자를 입력하면, 즉시 다른 진법으로 자동 변환됩니다. 진법의 중요도 순으로, 10진수, 16진수, 2진 mwultong.blogspot.com 2020. 6. 7.
How to zip files and folders with Ansible http://www.mydailytutorials.com/zip-files-folders-ansible/ How to zip files and folders with Ansible - My Daily Tutorials Working with Ansible archive module Until version 2.3, Ansible didn’t support an Archive module(It was available in the developer edition for some time though). Before that, we had to use the shell module or command module to zip a directory in Ansible. www.mydailytutorials.com 2020. 6. 7.
IoT and Machine Learning — Intro and Infra setup https://dzone.com/articles/iot-and-machine-learning IoT and Machine Learning — Intro and Infra setup - DZone IoT In this article, I am trying to touch upon the necessary building blocks to enable Machine Learning in IoT. dzone.com 2020. 6. 6.
IoT and Node.JS: How to Catch the Opportunity? https://dzone.com/articles/iot-and-nodejs-how-to-catch-the-opportunity IoT and Node.JS: How to Catch the Opportunity? - DZone IoT In this article, we discuss why Node.js is the perfect choice for developing the server-side of your IoT applications. dzone.com 2020. 6. 6.