728x90 비즈니스영엉2 The major obstacle is ... : ~이 큰 장애요인입니다. The major obstacle is the price Could you tell me what you feel might be the problem here? The major obstacle is the quantity. The number should be smaller Then why don't we go with 90,000 instead of 100,000? 참고서적 : 비지니스 영어패턴 500 플러스 (http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/52892675?scode=032&OzSrank=1) 2020. 6. 17. We might be able to ... ~이 가능할 것도 같습니다. We might be able to accept that. I'd hate to see us walking away because of this one item. I'll tell you what. Let's delete this item, and you pay for the consultant We might be able to secure the budget for that. 참고서적 : 비지니스 영어패턴 500 플러스 (http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/52892675?scode=032&OzSrank=1) 2020. 6. 15. 이전 1 다음 728x90