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영어 마스터/영어회화 패턴

I don't think 주어+동사 : ~ 아닐 것 같아

by david100gom 2020. 8. 31.

I don't think they'll use the money

I don't think I can do it well

I don't think I can visit you this time

I don't think I can work here anymore

I don't think you can handle this paper work

I don't think you have a choice

I don't think he deserves this

Can you give me a hand with this?

I don't think I can. I'm tied up at the moment

참고 서적 : 영어회화의 결정적 패턴 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/74400061?scode=032&OzSrank=1)
