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I realized (that) 주어+동사 ~ 라는걸 깨달았어요, ~ 가 생각났어요

by david100gom 2020. 8. 3.

I realized someone took my shoes

I realized this was not the right path for me

I realized I didn't love her as much as before

I realized the key to success is being passionate and persistent about what you do

I realized it wasn't my fault

I realized he was right about one thing

I realized I was stupid to pursue money at all costs


I realized that I had met you before

I see why you look familiar. Good to see you again

참고 서적 : 영어회화의 결정적 패턴 (www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/74400061?scode=032&OzSrank=1)
