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자바 template engine 프리마커

by david100gom 2009. 6. 20.
자바 웹어플리케이션 개발시 유용한 UI 관련 엔진입니다.
개발시 디자인과 소스가 깔끔하게 분리되서 편합니다. ^^ 물론 API 사용도 쉽구요.
또한, velocity 와 비슷해서 적응하는데 어렵지 않습니다.
이클립스IDE 로 개발시 Freemarker plug-in을 설치하고 개발하시면 좀더 편합니다.


<이클립스 IDE 버전별 Freemarker plug-in 정보>

Editor or IDE Features Version File
Eclipse 3.2.1+ Syntax highlight, syntax error indicator, outline view, code completion for macro names and bean property names.
Note: The included freemarker.jar is often outdated; overwrite it with a newer version manually if you get error messages when using newer template language constructs.
Part of the JBoss Tools Project, but also available there as standalone download (no dependencies).
JBoss Tools Project download page...
Eclipse 2.x, 3.x (another plugin) Syntax highlight, syntax error indicator, outline view.
Note: The included freemarker.jar is often outdated, etc. See in the above cell.
0.3.1 Read more here...
Eclipse (tried with 3.x) FreeMarker documentation in the Eclipse help system.
Requires FreeMarker 2.3rc1 (or later), or 2.2.6 (or later) from the 2.2.x series
2004-03-13 fm-eclipse-help.tar.gz

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