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영어 마스터/수능 영숙어

수능 영숙어 맛보기 1탄

by david100gom 2019. 10. 29.

Where do you come from?

I enjoy listening to music

Look at those dark clouds

We were talking about you

I have to go now

He seems to be ill

Try using a different one.

I used to come here often

I'm going to be here for two days

Will you be able to come?

Theire ways of life are different from ours.

The room is full of people

a lot of people

Let's meet in front of the library

fast food such as hanburgers and pizza

For example, apple and pears are fruit

I've known him for a long time.

They looked him for a long time.

They looked at each other

He studies hard in order to pass the exam

참고서적 : 뜯어먹는 수능 영숙어 (http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/4376891)
