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톰캣에서 애플리케이션 두번 디플로이 되는 현상

by david100gom 2019. 7. 29.


중복(두번) 디플로이가 되어 스케줄러가 두번 구동되거나, 로그가 중복으로 찍히는 현상 또는 애플리케이션이 두번 구동되는 현상의 원인

1. web.xml 의 ContextContextLoaderListener 과 DispatcherServlet 에서 같은 설정 파일(*.xml) 을 로딩되도록 설정되어 있을때
2. Tomcat server.xml 파일 내용중 Host 의 appBase 와 Context 의 docbase 의 경로가 동일하거나, appBase 경로에 docBase 경로가 포함될때


참고 : https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.5-doc/config/host.html

Automatic Application Deployment


When using automatic deployment, the docBase defined by an XML Context file should be outside of the appBase directory. If this is not the case, difficulties may be experienced deploying the web application or the application may be deployed twice. The deployIgnore attribute can be used to avoid this situation.

Note that if you are defining contexts explicitly in server.xml, you should probably turn off automatic application deployment or specify deployIgnore carefully. Otherwise, the web applications will each be deployed twice, and that may cause problems for the applications.

There are many possible combinations of settings, new files, changed files and deleted files. A separate page describes the expected behaviour of the automatic deployment process in many of these scenarios.






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